Welcome to the Nuke 11.1 Alpha.

Hello, Nuke users! We're excited to share the first Alpha versions of our upcoming Nuke 11.1v1 release for you to try out and provide feedback on. As these builds are Alphas, we strongly recommend and advise you not to use it in a production environment.

Please be aware that all features and functionality contained within these Alphas are in active development and are liable to change and are not guaranteed to be in the final released version of Nuke 11.1v1.

To access these Alphas you need to own Nuke Studio and be on current maintenance.

Worried your maintenance might have lapsed? Request a callback from our team or contact your local reseller.

These Alpha versions of Nuke, NukeX and Nuke Studio 11.1v1 will run using your existing Nuke license keys (nuke_i, nukex_i and nukestudio_i) that have current maintenance.

Tell us what you think

If you have general issues to do with licensing or legacy bugs, please raise a ticket for Foundry’s Support team via our Support Portal: http://support.foundry.com

If you have feedback on the Nuke Studio 11.1 Alpha that you'd like to share with us and discuss in the Alpha group please message us at : foundry-nukestudio-prerelease@googlegroups.com

If you have any private feedback on the Nuke Studio 11.1 Alpha that you'd like to share with us, please use our private mailbox: nuke-prerelease-private@foundry.com.

But don't tell everyone!

Please do not discuss the alpha version outside of the above private mailbox. So avoid discussing it on social media, public forums or the nuke-users@/nuke-dev@/nuke-python@ mailing lists.

Thank you for your assistance, continued support and enthusiasm for Nuke!

Features in this alpha

The following features (identifiers listed below) are what we would like you to concentrate your feedback on for this alpha (more details on these features can be found below):

New in Alpha #1 (11.1TimelineReadNodes.000086a)

  • [Property Panels]

Please use the above feature identifiers in the beginning of the Subject line. 
For example:
“[Property Panels] - OMG the panels have great properties!!”

Source clip property panels [Property Panels]

In Nuke Studio projects, source clip properties are now accessible through a Read node style panel displayed in the Properties tab. This consolidates existing options into a single location, providing faster access and greater control, as well as introducing a more consistent UI and workflow between Nuke and Nuke Studio. 

Existing options have been improved and a number of new options have been added. 

  • file - Replaces the Media File option in the Media tab and now has Expression support. This, for example, allows environment variables to be used in file paths.
  • localization policy - Easy access to the localization policy for each source clip.
  • original range - Adjust the source clip frame range. Previously only accessible through ‘Open In > Timeline Viewʼ. 
  • missing frames - Set how file read errors should be handled. Error, black, checkerboard or nearest frame. 
  • colorspace - Replaces the Colour Space option in the Media tab and has improved error handling for missing colour spaces.
  • OCIO - Provides OCIO context support for source clips.
  • Format specific - Easy access to format specific options. For example, QuickTime decoder, ycbcr matrix and source range (video or full).

Greater control over the source clip properties in Nuke Studio also provides greater control over generated .nk scripts when using the Create Comp workflow.

In addition to this all source clip properties will be accessible through the Python API, improving scripting capabilities and therefore the ability to integrate Nuke Studio into existing pipelines.
