Welcome to the Nuke Aces Alpha.

Hello Nuke users! We're excited to share an Alpha version of our upcoming Nuke 11.1 release for you to try out and provide feedback on. As this is an Alpha build, we strongly recommend that you do not use it in a production environment.

To access the Alpha you need to own Nuke and be on current maintenance.

Worried your maintenance might have lapsed? Request a callback from our team or contact your local reseller.

This Alpha version of Nuke, NukeX and Nuke Studio 11.1 will run using your existing Nuke license keys (nuke_i, nukex_i and nukestudio_i) that have current maintenance.

Tell us what you think

If you have general issues to do with licensing or legacy bugs, please raise a ticket for Foundry’s Support team via our Support Portal: http://support.foundry.com

If you have any private feedback on the Nuke 11.1 Alpha that you'd like to share with us, please use our private mailbox: nuke-prerelease-private@foundry.com.

But don't tell everyone!

Please do not discuss the Alpha version outside of the above private mailbox. So avoid discussing it on social media, public forums or the nuke-users@/nuke-dev@/nuke-python@ mailing lists.

Thank you for your assistance, continued support and enthusiasm for Nuke!

Features in this Alpha 

The following features (identifiers listed below) are what we would like you to concentrate your feedback on for this Alpha (more details on these features can be found on the download page):

New in Alpha #3 (11.1ACES.000172a)

  • Bug Fixes

New in Alpha #2 (11.1ACES.000109a)

  • [ACES]

Please use the above feature identifiers in the beginning of the Subject line. 
For example:
“[ACES] - OMG this update is ACE...S!!”


ACES colour management support has been improved in Nuke and Nuke Studio through the implementation of a number of nodes, soft effects and updates.

  • Support for reading and writing the ACES compliant container format (EXR).
  • Support for reading and writing ADX data in 10bit and 16bit DPX.
  • A number of ACES compliant colour transforms available as nodes and soft effects.
    • ACES LUT 1D
    • ACES LUT 3D
    • ACES Matrix
    • ACES Range
    • CDLTransform
    • These can be combined to create and export Common LUT Format files (CLF) using the ACES CLF node (with a Nuke Studio soft effect to follow in a later alpha). Existing CLF files can also be imported and edited. Work on this functionality is still in progress, so please keep this in mind if you decide to test it.
  • Improved Color Decision List (CDL) support through the CDLTransform node/soft effect listed above.
    • CDL information stored in Edit Decision Lists (EDL) is supported, in addition to the standard CC, CCC and CDL format. For example:

      001    A011C014120824 V C        06:59:25:09 06:59:31:03 01:00:00:00 01:00:05:19
      *FROM CLIP NAME: A011C014_120824_R3BR.mov
      *ASC_SOP (0.9 1.2 0.5)(0.4 -0.5 0.6)(1.0 0.8 1.5)
      *ASC_SAT 1.12
