Welcome to the Nuke 11.0 Beta.

Hello Nuke users! We're excited to share the first beta version of our upcoming Nuke 11.0 release for you to try out and provide feedback on. As this is a beta build, we strongly recommend that you do not use it in a production environment.

To access the beta you need to own Nuke and be on current maintenance.

Worried your maintenance might have lapsed? Request a callback from our team or contact your local reseller.

This beta version of Nuke, NukeX and Nuke Studio 11.0 will run using your existing Nuke license keys (nuke_i, nukex_i and nukestudio_i) that have current maintenance.

Tell us what you think

If you have general issues to do with licensing or legacy bugs, please raise a ticket for  Foundry’s Support team via our Support Portal: http://support.foundry.com

If you have any private feedback on the Nuke 11.0 beta that you'd like to share with us, please use our private mailbox: nuke-prerelease-private@foundry.com.

But don't tell everyone!

Please do not discuss the beta version outside of the above private mailbox. So avoid discussing it on social media, public forums or the nuke-users@/nuke-dev@/nuke-python@ mailing lists.

Thank you for your assistance, continued support and enthusiasm for Nuke!

Features in this beta 

The following features (identifiers listed below) are what we would like you to concentrate your feedback on for this beta (more details on these features can be found on the download page):

New in Beta #5 (11.0v1.000009b)

  • General Bug Fixes 

New in Beta #4 (11.0v1.000004b)

  • General Bug Fixes 

New in Beta #3 (11.0v1Beta.000254b)

  • [Lens Distortion]
  • [macOS]

New in Beta #2 (11.0v1Beta.000184b)

  • [AAF Support]

Beta #1 (11.0v1Beta.000151b)

  • [VFX Platform]
  • [RAW SDK]
  • [Latest OS]
  • [LiveGroups]
  • [Background Rendering]
  • [Denoise]
  • [Toolsets]
  • [SmartVector]
  • [Timeline Caching]

Please use the above feature identifiers in the beginning of the Subject line. 
For example:
“[LiveGroups] - OMG the groups are alive!!”

VFX Platform 2017 [VFX Platform]

“The VFX Reference Platform is a set of tool and library versions to be used as a common target platform for building software for the VFX industry.”-  http://www.vfxplatform.com/ 

In addition to upgrading these core libraries, Nuke uses numerous third party libraries, many of which had to be upgraded too. This is a broad and significant upgrade, that sees Nuke using the latest versions of technologies like ARRIRAW and R3D.

ARRIRAW and R3D Upgrade [RAW SDK]

Due to popular demand and VFX Platform, ARRIRAW and R3D have been upgraded to their latest versions. Please note that the ARRIRAW-in-mxf support is not yet available and will be introduced in a subsequent Nuke release.

Latest Operating System Support [Latest OS]

Our Quality Assurance team have been running their tests on the latest Operating System versions and while these are not yet formally qualified, we haven’t encountered any major issues and plan to qualify the following by the end of the beta:

  • CentOS 6 and 7
  • Windows 7 and 10
  • macOS Sierra and El Capitan (In Beta #3)

Live Groups [LiveGroups]

This new kind of group node lets users save groups of any nodes as an external file which can be referenced by any other Nuke script, with the ability to be altered, automatically update instances of itself and expose internal node’s knobs for others to override.

We intend to give users more control over LiveGroups via python and will introduce callbacks during the beta period.



Background Rendering in Nuke/NukeX [Background Rendering]

The Nuke Studio FrameServer’s intelligent background rendering has been added to Nuke and NukeX. This provides users with the ability to use more of the available local machine resources in the background when executing Write node render operations, whilst maintaining the ability to interact with the UI for compositing tasks.

Denoise Improvements [Denoise]

Denoise has been updated with the addition of temporal processing, using consecutive frames to produce a better denoise result. Users can set the number of consecutive frames to reference.

Additional updates in this beta include:

  •     Lift Blacks: Lifts blacks towards white to better handle super-blacks
  •     Preserve Edges: Allows you to sharpen/denoise edges less to help preserve detail.


    Expanded Presets and Toolsets [Toolsets]

    This beta includes updated nodal toolsets for basic setups including keying, projections, and more.  Accessible via the Toolsets menu, these scripts are designed to help those new to Nuke get up and running and come with sample footage and tutorials.  

    Smart Vector Toolset Improvements in NukeX [SmartVector]

    The SmartVector tools allows you to propagate edits across frames.

    • There is a new ‘blur’ knob added to VectorDistort which can help remove micro distortions. This is particularly useful when propagating thin or fine structures over time.


    LensDistortion2 added to NukeX [LensDistortion]

    The LensDistortion node has been completely revamped, with added support for fisheye and wide-angle lenses, and improved import of data from other lens estimation packages. It is now also GPU-enabled.


    Timeline Caching in Nuke Studio [Timeline Caching]

    The new Timeline Disk Caching will give users reliable playback for more complex timelines, by doing a GPU render to disk. This feature provides persistent caching per edit in the timeline, that will only need updating for full changes on the edit such as adding a soft-effect. For editorial changes only the new frames will need to be cached.  The timeline disk caching does not currently support offline/missing media, unrendered comp containers or stereo timelines. Support for these feature will be added in a future release. There are some known issues in the beta that may affect playback the first time you are playing back a cached timeline. See the release notes for details.  

    Support for Nonlinear retimes from AAF in Nuke Studio [AAF Support]

    Nonlinear retimes from AAF files will be retained and automatically recreated as Soft Effects in Nuke Studio’s timeline. In this beta there are some known issues, see the release notes for details.
