Sharper Image Turnaround in Less Time

Ocula®'s toolsets provide standard templates for getting the best results in plate preparation, color correction and vertical alignment, while reducing iterations and speeding-up shot turnaround.

The Disparity generator creates stereo disparity vectors that map pixels between left and right views. These vectors are the core of Ocula's plate correction workflows, allowing for color, focus and alignment to be easily mapped between views.

Vertical Aligner
Warp and align views vertically while maintaining horizontal pixel position. Perfect for removing focal length differences and rotations, eliminate lens distortions and fix issues with depth align

Stereo retiming
The optical flow-based Retimer removes the differences between left and right views that can make for uncomfortable 3D viewing experiences.

Color and focus
Match color and focus between left and right views to improve visual consistency in stereo when subtle differences pop-up in the stereo view.

New Views
Designed for fixing tricky shots where alignment, color and focus matches are problematic, the New View plug-in lets you rebuild one view from another by shifting the distances between two cameras.

Depth tools
Ocula’s Disparity to Depth plug-in provides a quick and accurate way of generating the disparity field when you have a CG scene with camera information and a z-depth map available. The resulting data can then be used elsewhere, for example, to perform depth of field effects or a deep merge.

Troubleshooting and QC
The Stereo and Disparity review gizmos provide a fast, artist-friendly solution for quality control, while making it easier to spot trouble areas that need correction.