Welcome to the Mari 4.5 Beta.

Hello, Mari users! We're excited to share the Beta versions of our upcoming Mari 4.5v1 release for you to try out and provide feedback on.* As these builds are Betas, we strongly recommend and advise you not to use it in a production environment.

Introducing Mari's Material System

At Foundry we have been developing a Material System within Mari. We’d like you to explore all the new features we’ve added and updates we’ve made. 

Highlights of Mari 4.5 include:

  • Materials: Material Nodes can now be created and edited in the Mari Node graph. These Materials can be shared between projects using the Shelf palette. Material layers are also supported and  allow users to paint with their materials in the layer stack.  For full details, please see the Mari Material Layers Roundtrip** video.

  • Material Ingest Tool: Image files on disk can be batch imported as materials using the Mari Material Ingest Tool. For full details, please see the Mari Material Ingest Tool video.

For full details of updates, features, and known issues in this Beta, see the release notes:

To access these Betas you need to own Mari and be on current maintenance.

Worried your maintenance might have lapsed? Request a callback from our team or contact your local reseller.

Tell us what you think

We’d be very interested to hear how Mari now performs on your machine, so please let us know in the Beta section of the Mari Communities page.

If you have general issues to do with licensing or legacy bugs, please raise a ticket for Foundry’s Support team via our Support Portal.

If you have any private feedback on the Mari 4.5 Beta that you'd like to share with us, please use our private mailbox: mari-prerelease@foundry.com.


Beta 1

Beta 2

Beta 3

Beta 4

* Please note, Mari 4.x is not currently available for Mac. Find out more here.
** The Mari Material Layers Roundtrip video was created using the following asset, Mechanical Phoenix by QUARTOMUNDO.