

Foundry Education COlLECTIVE

Foundry の Education Collectiveは、Production CollectiveとKatana 、Cara VRを一つのパッケージにまとめたバンドル製品で、プロダクションワークフローに必要とされるすべての機能を単一環境で提供します。教育機関用ライセンスは、初等/中等教育機関、学位もしくは修了証を付与する学習、指導、訓練施設を対象としたライセンスです。


$278 / €200 / £168

$359 / €267 / £219

Classroom Licenses

  • プロダクション、VFX/3Dデザインのための割引パッケージ
  • Foundryのプロダクションワークフローパッケージ Education Collectiveの無制限使用
  • 下記より申請フォームへアクセスし、必要事項を入力/送信ください

Faculty Licenses

  • 教職員用ライセンス
  • Education Collectiveを学生ライセンスと同価格でご提供
  • Nuke、Cara VR、Mari、Katana、Modoのバンドル製品
  • 教育用ライセンスの商用利用は不可

Online Programs

  • Nuke、Mari、Katana、Modoオンラインコースの教員/インストラクター向け
  • 下記より、割引適用の可否についてお問い合わせください














ActionVFX.comと提携し、授業や学生のデモリール用に最適なストックフッテージプレートのデータベースであるPractice Footage Libraryへの無料のアーリーアクセスと、ActionVFXストアで使用できる10%オフ割引を提供しています(ActionVFX.comストアでのお会計時にコード【FOUNDRY 10】を入力してください)。

Nukeがログインベースに対応しましたが、Education Collectiveも対応していますか。クラスルームライセンスはログインベースで使用できますか。

現時点で、Education Collectiveはログインベースライセンスに対応していません。Collective製品のログインベースライセンスは、構成製品のすべてがログインベースライセンスで使用可能になった後での対応となりますので、今後のライセンシング情報にご留意ください。

I have a node-locked license. Can I change it to log-in-based?

Yes, please complete the license migration request here.

I changed from node-locked to log-in-based but received a Katana activation key while the rest of my license is log-in-based. Why?

Katana is not currently available as log-in-based.  As it is included in your education collective license, we wanted to ensure you still have access to Katana.  We issue a Katana activation key and Katana render key with your faculty license so you can still access it.

What is the difference between node-locked and log-in-based licenses?

Details on our different license styles can be found here.

Can my Education license be used on multiple machines?

The faculty Nuke, NukeX, Nuke Studio, and Mari licenses are set as log-in-based. Log-in-based licenses are tied to a single foundry.com account and can be activated on up to two machines simultaneously. There is no need for license transfers - users can deactivate from one machine if they want to use the license on a different machine. Log-in-based licenses require an internet connection for initial activation and refreshing of licenses (max 37 days offline).  The Katana license included with the Education Collective is node-locked and can only be installed on a single machine. If you have a node-locked education collective currently and would like to change to log-in-based to access on a second machine, please complete the license migration request here.

Our school has floating licenses. Can we change them to team log-in?

No, we do not currently have an option for schools to use team log-in licenses.  These will be available at a future date so please check back or email us at education@foundry.com to discuss options.

I have a nodelocked license and want to change it to a new machine. How do I change it?

Please complete the license transfer form and submit it to educationsupport@foundry.com.  If you are changing to log-in-based, please complete the license migration request here.

What’s included in the Education Collective?

The Education Collective gives you access to Nuke, NukeX, NukeStudio, Katana, and Mari, all in a single license

What if I only want a single product, not the full collective? Can I buy them individually?

No, educational licenses are only available as the full Education Collective bundle.