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3D glowing woman
Film & TV

Foundry 2019 | Asia Pacific Showreel

Creativity by the bucketload from APAC.

USD: what you need to consider
Film & TV

USD: what you need to consider when adopting Universal Scene Description into your pipeline

Investing in Universal Scene Description is totally worthwhile—if done correctly. Here are the top things to consider before diving in.

Artist Spotlight
Film & TV

In the spotlight: Christophe Brejon

Lighting Artist, Christophe Brejon, talks to us about his career, his new book and the lowdown on Foundry’s top VFX trends.

Mobile game

How Wooga Games develops a creative, engaging and rich experience with Modo

Modeling mobile games with Modo.

Bridging the uncanny valley
Film & TV

Bridging the uncanny valley: what it really takes to make a deepfake

With digital humans on the rise, we explore the artistry behind them and the difference between those on the big screen, and those dominating our social media.

Be transported into new virtual worlds with AR portals

Be transported into new virtual worlds with AR portals

In this article, we explore the latest augmented reality trend, AR portals, and how it can take you anywhere, from fictional worlds to outer space

Trends 2019
Film & TV

A wrap-up of 2019’s top trends for the VFX industry

As 2019 comes to a close, we look back at how the big trends this year have evolved—and where they’re headed.

The Mill Virtual Turkey
Film & TV

禁煙補助薬 CHANTIX のCMキャラクター制作 - The MillにおけるMari、Nukeの活用

We caught up with The Mill to talk all things turkey and how they perfected their virtual bird

Modo packaging

Modo Heroes: Kalil Macedo

We shine the spotlight on the first of our Modo Heroes: Kalil Macedo, exploring his career as a 3D artist and designer

Film & TV

スウェーデンのパワーメタルバンド Sabatonのミュージックビデオ制作 - The Agency of Wargaming におけるFoundryツールの活用

スウェーデンのメタルバンド SabatonのMVで伝説的戦艦ビスマルクを再現した The Agency of Wargamingに、Nuke、Mari、Modoの活用について話を伺いました。

missing link Laika
Film & TV

Find out why studios around the world are using Katana

Free up time. Unlock creativity.

Volograms used volumetric

Not the same old story: how Volograms used volumetric to respin a classic tale

Discover the extraordinary things Dublin-based Volograms are doing with volumetric imagery—and the implications this has for immersive storytelling
